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Nairobi Bulk

Project Details
Athi Water Works Development Agency
Period of Assignment:
2014 - Ongoing
Financed by:
AfD, World Bank and GoK
County/ Town
Preparation of Detailed Designs, ESIA, RAP, Tender Documents, Assistance to the Client in Procurement of Works Contract, Construction Supervision and Coordination of Works.
Project Backround
The Bulk Pipelines Project is part of the Northern Collector Tunnel (NCT) Water System which is a Vision 2030 flagship Project. Other components of the NCT System includes:
• The Northern Water Collector Tunnel (11.8 Km), transferring water from Gikigie, Irati and Maragua Rivers to Thika Dam.
• Kigoro Water Treatment Plant, capacity 140,000m3/d
The NCT Project aims to reduce the daily water shortage in Nairobi City by 140 Million litres.
The Scope of the Works Contract entails Laying, Jointing, Testing and Commissioning of the following Pipeline Works:
a) Raw Water Gravity Main:
• ND1400, NP16 Welded Joints, Spiral Welded Steel Pipe from existing Thika Dam Intake (Murang’a County) for a length of 0.144Km.
• ND1200, NP16, 5.34Km long Welded Joints, Spiral Welded Steel Pipe Joining the ND1400 Section to
the New Kigoro Treatment Works in Murang’a County.
b) Treated Water Gravity Main:
• ND1200, NP25, 10.6Km long Welded Joints, Spiral Welded Steel Pipe from New Kigoro Treatment Works (Murang’a County) to the Chania River Crossing (near Rwegetha Market Centre - Chania River is the boundary between Murang’a & Kiambu Counties).
• ND1200, NP40, 38Km Welded Joints, Spiral Welded Steel Pipe from Chania River Crossing (near Rwegetha Market Centre) to existing Gigiri Reservoirs (Gigiri, Nairobi County).