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Nairobi Distribution Lot-3(A)

Project Details
Athi Water Works Development Agency (AWWDA)
Period of Assignment:
2017 - Ongoing
Financed by:
GoK & KfW
County/ Town
Design and Construction Supervision of the Works
Project Backround
The Nairobi City Water Distribution Network Modifications Project is being implemented by Athi Water Works Development Agency (AWWDA) with financing from the Government of Kenya, KfW Development Bank of Germany and the European Union (EU).
Lot 3 of the Project comprised of Extension of Water and Sewerage Services in Peri-Urban and Informal Settlements. The Project objective was to improve access to Water Supply and Sanitation in 5Nr Informal Settlement Areas in Nairobi, namely Korogocho, Gitari Marigo, Kawangware, Kangemi and Ngando.
The Scope of Works included construction of:
i) 23.0 km of Water Reticulation Pipelines, sizes 32mm to 355mm diameter
ii) 25.5 km of Sewers, sizes 200 mm to 315 mm diameter
iii) 2Nr Ablution Blocks in Gitari Marigo
iv) 928Nr Consumer Sewer Connections.
Approximately 300,000 people in the 5Nr Informal Settlements are beneficiaries of the Project. As a result of Sewers constructed under the Project, flow of sewage in open drains and into the Nairobi River has reduced within the Project area.