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Othaya & Mukurweini Water Supply

Detailed Design Review and Supervision of Construction Works for Maua, Othaya and Mukurweini Water Supply and Sewerage Project

Client :

Othaya & Mukurweini Water Supply

Tana Water Services Board (Now Tana Water Works Development Agency)

Period of Assignment:

February 2011 - 2014

Financed By:


Staff Months :


Project Background:
The Project Area is located approximately 150km north of Nairobi City. The Water Supply Scheme is approximately 174.5 km2 and covers Othaya District as a whole. The Base population (2009) of about 89,932 is expected to grow to 137, 633 by the year 2033 and the water demand is estimated to grow to 13,576m³/day by then.

The Project comprised of Rehabilitation and Augmentation of the existing Water Supply System from 5,000m³/day to 17,370m³/day capacity. The existing Water Distribution Network was extended by an additional 8.2 km of Transmission Mains of diameters 400mm and 500mm and 200mm Dia. uPVC pipe, total length 7.9km.

Scope of Works:
• Rehabilitation of Existing Chinga Intake and construction of a new Reinforced Weir Intake on Gikira River.
• Augmentation of Existing Raw Water Gravity Main from Gikira Intake to Chinga Treatment Works, DN 300mm Ferrous pipe, length 9.8 Km.
• Realignment/Rehabilitation of Existing Raw Water Mains from Chinga Dam to Chinga Treatment Works.
• New Chinga Water Treatment Works, capacity 12,370m³/day, comprising of Vertical Flow Sedimentation Tanks, Rapid Sand Filters, Chlorination Facilities, Pump House, 750m³ Storage Tank and Ancillary Works.
• Rehabilitation of Existing Chinga Water Treatment Works.
• Dedicated New Gravity Treated Water Main from Chinga Treatment Works to Githagara Tank, DN 400 - 500mm ferrous pipe, approximate length 9.2km.
• Rehabilitation of Existing Distribution Mains including replacement of washout/ air valves, rehabilitation of chambers, etc.
• Construction of 3 Nr Reinforced Concrete Storage Tank, capacities 500m³ (1 Nr) and 1,500m³ (2Nr).

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